3 house bills up for talks and what you can do.

HB1325 was originally slated to be heard Monday May 6th, 2019 in the Texas Senate Agriculture Committee. That has since changed being that the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker held a press conference today stating that school finance reform and property tax relief are the primary concerns needing to be addressed in the Senate before the legislative session end on May 27th.

This means that the hearing for HB1325 in the Senate committee has been postponed until further notice. Several of the committee members are signed on to the companion bill in the Senate and approval is expected. It is still wise that if you wish to see this get a hearing and debate on the Senate floor, that one is to contact their Senators and tell them to press for a hearing and vote yes after floor debate.

Click here to send a support letter to your Senator telling them to support HB1325.

HB1365 will be receiving floor debate on Monday May 6th, 2019 in the Texas House of Representatives. The bill was scheduled Friday May 3rd, and is currently listed on Page 1 of the House agenda for the day. With the way things have been handled with HB63 going into the senate and Dan Patrick trying to declare it dead, there will need to be immense amounts of pressure on both chambers to get this bill the love it deserves, being that it is the best bet for cannabis reform in the state of Texas right now.

Click here to call your representative and request they support HB1365 today!
Click here to send your letter of support for HB1365 today.

And finally, HB63. The bill that Lt Gov. Dan Patrick is trying to send the death chill to every senator. It passed with a supermajority in the house and deserves to be heard in committee and deserves to be heard on the floor for debate in the Senate. This the will of the people, and it is the will of the party in power.

Currently our Lt. Governor is out of step with the majority will in Texas, and out of step with the TexasGOP. The pressure needs to be kept on Patrick and your individual senators. Walking the halls and speaking with staff in Senators offices on Wednesday gave an indication that a good chunk of them are highly interest or on board to vote yes on the bill. Let’s keep the momentum going Texas! This is not an impossible feat.

Click here to contact you senator by message or by phone and tell them to support HB63.