City of Austin singles out CBD retailers as non-essential

The City of Austin order of shelter in place went into effect Tuesday evening after 11:59 p.m. stating that certain businesses were essential, while others aren’t. Among the list of stores deemed non-essential, ones for the purpose of selling cannabidiol (CBD) were included.

austin cbd stores ordered to close due to covid-19 shelter in place
Austin City Council order of essential business.

This makes Austin the first city in the state of Texas, and possibly in the nation to single out the chemical as a non-essential. Other states such as California, Colorado, Washington and Pennsylvania have deemed medical marijuana facilities as essential. But this does not include medical dispensaries in the state of Texas, such as Compassionate Cultivation which are allowed to operate normally.

Within the two days of the order being released, this has caused some citizens in the town to question the city’s orders, some showing frustration. Daniel Lakstins, the co-founder of Hemp Tours located in Austin, is one of those citizens.

“What exactly prompted the city health service department to single out specifically CBD in the city’s order?” Lakstins said.

Daniel wonders if the city realizes that all other major cities in Texas did not single out CBD in their orders. He sincerely believes they may have overlooked the impact that this will have on citizen’s quality of life and local business, namely the 90 CBD retailers in Austin.

“They may lose their customers to Dallas and Houston CBD shops, because those cities do not have this specifically mentioned. Or they may lose business to out-of-state online companies, ” Lakstins added.

Daniel Ochoa persisted with a local news station along with other Austinites as to why liquor stores were deemed essential, but not CBD retailers. The KVUE Defenders spoke with Ochoa as he claims he is worried his health will suffer because one type of business was listed as non-essential.

“Severe pain in my neck that was shooting up into my head and giving me migraines,” Ochoa said.

Further stating that if it weren’t for CBD products, he would likely be on opioids for pain relief. Ochoa told KVUE he is frustrated because Austin’s new stay-at-home order lists liquor stores as “essential” business, but says stores specifically selling products like CBD have to stay closed.

When Mayor Steve Adler was asked about this he told KVUE Austin health experts recommended keeping liquor stores open but not stores selling CBD.  That the City thinks hard about deciding which businesses are essential.

“I guess what we’re saying is that they are critically needed or essentially needed for your life to go on,” Adler said smiling during a video call with KVUE.

Adler claimed the list can change moving forward – and Ochoa hopes it does change to allow stores selling CBD to stay open.

Others online are lashing out at the mayor’s attitude and decision.

This does not mean that all retailers carrying CBD are closed. Clinic locations that have side pharmacies carrying CBD such as Victory Medical are still open and even offering free delivery in the Austin area for prescriptions of CBD for those that have them.