Coronavirus Disease Health and Safety with Cannabis

Ever had the discussion about the proper handling of cannabis while being sick with the flu? The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) should really be treated no differently in how you handle yourself while partaking in cannabis usage.

Wash your hands, frequently. Disinfect from COVID-19

There is a reason this is at the top of the list. You touch so many things with your hands, and then you touch your own body. Particularly things you put in your mouth or touch your face with. Anytime you need to touch something that is going in or around your mouth, wash your hands. This means before you roll a joint, pack a bowl, use a pipe, etc. Wash your hands to ensure you aren’t possibly ingesting COVID-19.

Puff puff pass, no more.

So you’ve been washing your hands and taking great care of watching what touches your skin and mouth. But what about others. If you’ve recently modified your habits and it was difficult, it’s difficult for others too. Be careful about passing joints, pipes, bongs, etc. We all know that sharing is typically caring. But spreading disease is far from caring during a situation such as this. You don’t know if the others in your circle at the activist gathering have been washing their hands. You may be conversing with people who medicate to help with autoimmune issues. Those are the people who are most susceptible to getting COVID-19. So let’s be safe and courteous with this. Investing in a guard may help as well. Items such as the Mouthpeace are designed to help prevent the spread of germs amongst cannabis pipe users.

Don’t fall for snake oil hype cures.

You’re bound to see these claims circulating on social media if it hasn’t been flagged as false news yet. Yes, they are already making their rounds. It shouldn’t be a surprise given the miracle cures that some claim goes along with CBD oil. Cannabis is a wonderful medicine for many various ailments. One thing it doesn’t do though is kill the virus. Even the World Health Organization, which has been changing its stance on cannabis, had the following to say,

“To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the novel coronavirus. However, those infected with 2019-nCoV should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized supportive care. Some specific treatments are under investigation and will be tested through clinical trials. WHO is helping to coordinate efforts to develop medicines to treat nCoV with a range of partners.”

Official statement from the World Health Organization

As well, if you already have the infection, smoking is probably your worst option for ingestion. Your lungs are already fighting off an infection, smoke and excess moisture are not going to help in this situation.

Minimize physical contact when possible.

Instead of using your typical handshake, use a verbal greeting to one another or a simple wave along with it. It may be a wise idea to carry tissues around to handle door handles. A suggestion may be to use the handicap button with a covered hand, elbow or knee on featured doors. Those methods are seldomly used and may mitigate the likelihood of spreading COVID-19. You may be inclined to flush public toilet handles with your shoe or paper towel barriers. Think of any high contact surfaces and remember to avoid touching it, or making a barrier if necessary.