HB3703 bill added to Senate intent calendar and you need to contact your senators now.


The bill is still missing PTSD, chronic intractable pain, and the need for 1% or greater THC concentration.

House Bill 3703 with committee substitute was placed on the Senate intent calendar for May 21st on the evening of May 20 2019. The fact that this bill had it’s committee report distributed Monday only goes the show that the bill is being regarded as somewhat of a priority because of its location in time during the current legislative session. This is because the committee report doesn’t have to be delivered for up to 3 session days, and Saturdays do not count towards the clock unless there is a session taking place, and Sundays never count towards the clock at all (the senate held session Sunday May 19,2019).

Ask your Senators to support any amendment that would allow for PTSD and intractable pain! The letter is already written for all of these linked actions, just enter your address so the system can find who your senator is, and then click send to deliver the pre-written message to your senator.

#Veteran Action: Ask Republican Senators and the Lt Governor to support any amendment that would allow for #PTSD and other service related disabilities!

Patient Action: If you have PTSD and chronic pain but are not a veteran, please ask your senator to make the Texas Compassionate Use Program more inclusive! 

This needs to be done. Plain and simple. Contact them. Send them faxes if you want to. You can visit another article found at this link to see who your senator is and what their phone/fax number is. Tell them to give conditions a floor debate.

1 Comment on "HB3703 bill added to Senate intent calendar and you need to contact your senators now."

  1. Medical Marajuana not only help with PTSD , but it also helps keep people like myself that need pain medison every day from getting adicted to meds .
    I am a texan mom that needs help. Someone help us get the medications we need .!

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