Texas NORML testifies on HJR 108

Jax Finkel, Executive Director of Texas NORML, testified on House Joint Resolution 108 today at the Texas Capitol in attempt to dispel myths perpetuated by the TCPA last week during a press conference.

Last week the Texas Police Chiefs Association (TCPA) held a press conference in an effort to sway public and legislative opinion negatively about decriminalizing marijuana to a civil penalty and giving more than one type of patient access to medical cannabis treatments. The TCPA did not give much of a chance for anyone to ask questions that good be in good faith debated or answered fully.

In an attempt to do what could not be done then, Finkel testified to the House committee that what was said this past week just wasn’t the truth.

Claims to be addressed were items such as:
“Legalization means more kids will use marijuana.” 
Cops say “We are using discretion and it works.”
“We don’t make the law, we just enforce it.”

Unfortunately she was cut off early by the committee when speaking about finance issues with police departments. To read her responses to these items you can read her testimony at the Texas NORML website. And do not forget to contact your representatives using the links provided on the front page and tell them you support reforming the law in Texas.