HB3703 unanimously passes Senate with disinformation spread throughout floor debate.

Senator Donna Campbell shortly after HB3703 passes meeting with TX MAMMA Photo by Jesse Williams

There are also some tips for activists to be learned today, one of which that was pointed out on the floor.

Today marked a historic day for Texas and its medical cannabis program. HB3703 was passed out of the Senate unanimously. The bill will add spasticity, incurable neurodegenerative disease, ALS, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis and terminal cancer. The bill has been approved by the house with amendments and is off to the governor’s desk.

TX MAMMA with Senator Campbell after the bill’s passage. Photo by Amy Lou.

Senator Donna Campbell read the bill on the floor for second reading and yielded the floor to other senators to ask questions and make statements about things they took issue with on the bill. Some of the remarks from floor were questionable and will be fact checked in this article, some were just down right devastating blows against the veteran community.

Senator Menendez started off with questioning why PTSD was being left out. The response that did not add up was that Senator Campbell said that 70% of veterans suicide autopsies showed that THC was in their system at time of death. We do not know where she got that number from, but that turned out to be not true. She did imply on the floor though that it wasn’t clear correlation causation as some may think that to be and it would need further investigation. The data on that topic shows that only 9% of veteran suicides showed to have THC in their system.

The real issue on the floor came when Senator Birdwell started asking question and stating his feelings about the bill and the future of the program. For starters, he wanted Senator Campbell to assure him that no future legislation or legislative body was going to be able to change the law and expand in a way that he or some of his constituents deemed unfit. Senator Campbell responded with tact that she could not guarantee that as the legislative body could change over the course of the next couple of rounds of legislative sessions.

Senator Birdwell then took a jab at veterans and people using them as leverage to gain access to medical cannabis, as if it was attempt to make cannabis a recreational item.

What ruins my heart most, as chairman of Veteran Affairs, is that there are those out there that would leverage in the name of compassion. Veterans who wear the scars, or the missing limbs that no one wants to say no to that would leverage that compassion and that desire not to say no to veterans. That will use that leverage, and as my discernment informs me, to the full legalization of recreational marijuana. Members, I want you to understand what I’m about to tell you, we will do a major disservice to our state and I would acknowledge this body to not let my scars or those of other veterans cause us to endorse such a policy. One of my most famous constituents, Chris Kyle, is deceased because of a multi year marijuana user who claimed in his murder trial to have PTSD. Fortunately, there were 12 Texans in that jury box from Stephenville who didn’t buy that and from the conversation you had with Sen. Lucio, about what we found in veterans who have committed suicide for THC, I want to make sure that we don’t put us down that road

Texas State Senator Brian Birdwell debating CSHB 3703 (Bill sponsored by Sen. Campbell to expand TCUP) on May 22, 2019

That speaks for itself. Doesn’t really need anything written about it. Just let it sink in.

Jesse Williams and TX MAMMA cofounder Amy Lou at the capitol after the passage. Photo by Amy Lou

Now for the tips for the activists that want to go out to the capitol in the future and help out. This is important because it was pointed out on the floor today that people are doing some two-facing with Senators and Representatives. Let’s establish some items and move into the issue. First off, there is no issue with anyone having a stance of full on legalization. That is your opinion, and it is your right as an American citizen to voice that opinion with your representatives. If that is what you want, go for it. There is a separate discussion about what is achievable when asking for expansion of a medical program or turning to a full legalization, and that has its own debate that anyone who wants to speak about, is free to do in the comments.

But whatever your stance on social media is, keep that stance in place when you meet with your representative in the legislature. Senator Birdwell pointed out today that he has constituents that arrive to the capitol, tell his office that they want to expand the medical cannabis program to help people, and then when they find these people online they have posts about full blown legalization.

Some find it a bit creepy and out there that he has his staff looking at people’s social media profiles to gather information about them, and that he would make a point of it is even more disturbing. He can’t really do much other than feel offended that he was treated one way in person and another behind his back. One can imagine some reading this have some expletives to say about the senator on just that concept alone. That’s understandable. But also understand that since this man has been voted in, and given this power, him being offended can be the difference between a bill being passed and it getting killed in the senate. Advice: Don’t let the online you get in the way of in-person you. Consistency is key. As well, don’t like him then don’t vote for him.

Second is appropriate attire for meeting with legislative members. Business professional or business casual. This does not even need a paragraph. Let this image tell the story for you. Do your best to follow this when visiting the capitol. Treat it like you’re visiting a courthouse and going in front of a judge.

Tell us what you think about this bill and it’s passage in the comments!

1 Comment on "HB3703 unanimously passes Senate with disinformation spread throughout floor debate."

  1. I feel violated!! Yet my Autistic ,bipolar, adhd ,odd, Ptsd grandson has no Idea that I am even pushing for a bill that would help him. Yes, Texas is speaking. You are going against 80% who say our laws are unfair. That aside, this legislation is about our children and our elderly not to mentiin our veterans. Thase who suffer from Parkinson’s who suffer muscle spasms 24 seven in one area of the body or another… It hurts after a bit its unvearable at times.. Sound like i know what im talking about? Thats becaause that is my disorder. The state of things has gotten thrown way out of proportion. Thank you

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