It’s time to take major action on HB63.

Do your part and make your voice heard by the people elected to represent you.

Today, the Texas House of Representatives had their final vote to approve HB 63, which will reduce penalties for possession of 1 ounce of marijuana if passed in the senate and signed by the governor. The vote on the bill today was 103 in favor and 42 nays, a supermajority (>2/3). This is a historic step forward in changing Texas’ current law, which puts all levels of possession at a Class B misdemeanor or higher, as it has been over 40 years since Texas has seen any type of decriminalization. Now that the bill has made it out of the House, it will move on to the Senate. But Lt Gov Dan Patrick and Sen. John Whitmire, D-Houston are trying to stall and kill it in the Senate. Your help is needed. Tell your Senator and Dan Patrick that you support changing the law, and that you wish for them to do the same. Below you will find multiple options you can use to help citizens in Texas.

When you click the senator link below you’ll be taken to page where you enter your name and address, the site will find your senator based on that information, and you will be given a pre-written letter that will be personalized when sent to the individual designated.

Write a letter to Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

After you are done writing a letter to Dan Patrick, please write a letter to your senator. If you just wish to call them, use the tool below to search using your address, and then find their phone number in the list below. If you feel like going old school and making sure they get a copy of your letter, you can fax it to them if they have a fax line listed below.

Write to your Senator and ask them to support this important legislation TODAY!

Find out which senator represents you

Call them or fax them using one of the numbers below.

You can use the following script:
Hello, my name is _______ and I am a constituent. I would like to request that my senator become a supporter for Representative Moody’s HB 63 to be heard in committee and vote yes for the bill once it is considered on the Senate Floor.

Thank you for taking the time to be an involved citizen and an Educated Texan.