Governor Abbott confirmed to sign any medical cannabis expansion bill sent to his desk from the senate.

Photo from TX MAMMA Facebook

Thanks to TX MAMMA for this insight and hard work today.

The Texas chapter of MOMMA met with Governor Greg Abbott today on the topic of medical cannabis and the bills working through the legislature during this session. This was the response from the governor they posted on Facebook.

MAMMA meets the Governor!!

Governor Abbott said he would sign whatever the Senate sends to his desk. Next stop! Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick
Dr. Donna Campbell
Lois Kolkhorst
Dan Patrick

Thank you Office of the Governor Greg Abbott
it was an honor to meet and spend time with you today.

Complete text from the facebook post by TX MAMMA

This means a lot. It may not seems like much on the surface to many, but it means that one less hurdle stands between these children and the medicine their licensed professional have noted that they possibly need. With the Governor affirming the GOP plank of expanding the TCUP program it will mean that only a few groups have to move it forward. Those people are the Lt. Gov (who has allowed for HB3703 to be assigned to committee), the Health & Human Services Committee (which is chaired by Lois Kolkhorst and has two doctors ,Buckingham and Campbell), and the complete senate is in the way of having a bill amenable to feature Autism amongst other diagnoses that were listed in HB1365 which passed with a supermajority. Any amendments added to 3703 in either committee or on the senate floor will result in the bill returning to its originating chamber.

If a bill is returned to the originating chamber with amendments, the originating chamber can either agree to the amendments or request a conference committee to work out differences between the house version and the senate version. If the amendments are agreed to, the bill is put in final form, signed by the presiding officers, and sent to the governor.

So what can you do? Visit our other article and tell your senators to add conditions such as Autism and the others listed. Tell them that this is something the Governor is willing to sign to help the sickest of the sickest as long as it makes it to his desk. Tell them to stick by the GOP plank #246: “We call upon the Texas Legislature to improve the 2015 Compassionate Use Act to allow doctors to determine the appropriate use of cannabis to certified patients.”

Tell us your thoughts on this and tell your neighbors to contact their senator in helping the sickest Texans receive the medicinal treatment their providers feel they deserve.

1 Comment on "Governor Abbott confirmed to sign any medical cannabis expansion bill sent to his desk from the senate."

  1. Ted Cathey | May 14, 2019 at 7:53 pm |

    Dan Patrick is on big pharmas payroll.

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